This website is dedicated to documenting Colorado’s rich history of theater and performance. We do our best to put accurate information out. If you see any errors or omissions, please contact us by leaving a comment below.
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Becky Toma – Historian and Writer
I have been an active part of the Colorado Theatre Community since the 1970’s. Since that time, I have collected many old programs and wonderful theatre stories. I hope to put items in a book one day, but until then — please enjoy!
Eric Rivedal – Webmaster and Image Archivist
I worked at the Bonfils Theatre and a few other theaters in the 1970’s and then drifted away to other pursuits. I’ve been fortunate to keep up relationships with a few of my theatrical friends, so have continued experiencing theater vicariously through them.
I’ve been collecting photos and historical images for many years and am an avid albeit amateur photographer.
Paul Noel Fiorino
28 Sep 2023The Historic Tabor Opera House has had a recent face-lift and a new lease on life as a
new picture of the “State Theater” would be side by side. The Colorado Arts Consortium had written a 10 million grant given to the City and County who took advantage of the work and utilized procedures for restoration .
Janice Torkildsen
13 Jan 2025Hi, I am wondering if you folks have an email
Address that I can send an inquiry to?
15 Jan 2025Hi Janice – I sent you an email from an icloud account – let us know what we can help you with. Thanks, -Eric