We have assembled a list of many of the theaters that existed in Colorado. We’re pretty sure it’s not a complete list, so please let us know if you have information on any errors or omissions by leaving a comment below.

Click the Theater/Company Name to view further information or photographs of a theater in the list. If a theater is still open for business, an “Active” link appears in the “Year Closed” column. Click to visit their web page in a separate tab.

Theater/Company NameCity in COYear OpenedYear Closed
Arvada Center for Arts and HumanitiesArvada Active
Arvada Festival PlayhouseArvada  
Ascot Dinner TheatreLittleton
Aurora Fox Arts CenterAurora Active
Avalon TheatreGrand Junction Active
Avenue TheaterDenver  
Bonfils TheatreDenver19531986
Boulder’s Dinner TheatreBoulder19772024
Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC)Boulder Active
Breckenridge Backstage TheatreBreckenridge Active
Bug TheatreDenver Active 
Buntport TheatreDenver Active 
Catamounts Theatre CompanyBoulder Active 
Changing SceneDenver  
Cherry Creek Theatre CompanyDenver Active 
The Chief TheaterSteamboat Springs  
Chuckwagon Dinner PlayhouseDenver
City Stage Ensemble in Theatre at Jack’sDenver  
Colorado Chautauqua TourColorado  
Colorado Music Hall Dinner Theater
AKA: Eugene’s Dinner Theatre
Compass Theatre CompanyDenver  
Country Dinner PlayhouseCentennial  
Creede Repertory TheatreCreede Active 
Crystal PalaceAspen 2008 
Dairy Arts CenterBoulder  Active
Denver Black Arts CompanyDenver  
DCPA Theatre Company
AKA: Denver Center Theatre Company
Denver Civic Theatre (New)Denver 19851995 
Denver Civic Theatre (Original)Denver19291953
Denver Municipal Auditorium
AKA: Denver Auditorium Theater
AKA: Ellie Caulkins Opera House
Denver Post OperaDenver19341972
Elitch TheatreDenver1891Active 
Eulipions Cultural CenterDenver  
Evergreen PlayersEvergreen  
Firehouse Theater CompanyDenver Active 
Foothills Civic TheatreFort Collins  
Forgelight TheatreworksAurora  
Freemont Civic TheatreCanon City  
Gabriel’s Dinner Theater/CabaretDenver
Galleria TheatreDenver  
Gaslight TheatreDenver  
Germinal StageDenver  
Heritage Square Opera House
AKA: Heritage Square Music Hall
Hunger Artists EnsembleDenver  
Industrial ArtsDenver  
Lake Dillon Theatre Company
AKA: Theatre SilCo
Silverthorne Active
Little Theatre of RockiesGreeley Active 
Main Street PlayersLittleton  
Mario’s RestaurantDenver
Mercury CafeDenver Active
Metropolis TheatreDenver  
Millibo Art TheatreColorado Springs Active
Nomad PlayersBoulder  
OpenStage Theatre & CompanyFort Collins Active 
PACE CenterParker2011Active
Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School and CampSteamboat Springs1913 Active
Rialto Theater CenterLoveland Active
RiverTree TheatreDenver  
Rocky Mountain Repertory TheatreGrand Lake 1966Active
Sasquatch ProductionsParker2019Active
Scarlett’s Dinner TheaterAurora
Shadow TheatreDenver  
Shwayder TheatreDenver  
Springs Ensemble TheatreColorado Springs Active 
Stage WestDenver  
Steamboat Community PlayersSteamboat Springs  
Steamboat Repertory TheaterSteamboat Springs1979?1982?
Strater HotelDurango Active
Taylor’s Supper ClubDenver
Theatre AspenAspen Active
Theatre On BroadwayDenver  
Theatre OrDenver Active
Theatre Under GlassDenver  
Thunder River Theatre CompanyCarbondale  
Town Hall Arts CenterLittleton Active
Union Colony Civic CenterGreeley Active
Upstart Crow TheatreBoulder Active
Vail Valley Theatre CompanyVail Active
Victorian PlayhouseDenver  
Vilar Performing Arts CenterBeaver Creek1998 Active
Vogue TheatreDenver  
Wheeler Opera HouseAspen Active
Ye Olde Wayside InnBerthoud  
Some companies may have changed names without our knowing – please let us know if you have corrections by adding a comment below.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. My name is Tony Greaves. My wife, Carol Conway, and I were two of the original Barnstormers and worked for the theater from a couple of weeks before it opened for the first seven years and was the head Barnstormer most of that time, as well as appearing in some of the productions. We also helped open the Windmill ine Fort Worth when Bob Boren and Sam Newton bought that chain. I have many of the programs from those years and would love for the webmaster or someone of this group to have them. Our daughter, Lisa Carol Greaves, appeared with us in “Song of Norway” tour when she was only two. That tour was 1976-77. I also have pictures of some casts along with some other pictures that Bob and Mary Boren’s daughter gave me after Mary died.
    Please feel free to email or even call me if you would like the artifacts that I have saved these 55 years. Carol and I celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary yesterday and joined the playhouse, as I said before it opened. I could go on and on until you will want to shut me up. (Probably already do!) LOL
    In the picture of the original Barnstormers, we are the top couple next to the accompanist. I also have a lot of pictures from the CDP Reunion in 2008 and even a YouTube of me talking about the opening of the theater.
    We also did some shows at Bonfils when we were getting our masters degrees in Vocal Performance at DU. We finished our degrees there in 1972. bit continued for several years more with the Playhouse and the Colorado Opera Theater, Young Audiences, and Shwayder Theater.
    You might want to take this message down, but I wanted to contact you because that was a very wonderful time in our lives and thrilled to find this site.
    Thanks and hope to hear from you.
    Tony Greaves

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